August 1996

Personal Details Education Other Qualifications Employment Record Teaching Experience Administrative Experience

Research Interests Research Experience Presentations etc Industrial Collaboration Other relevant activities Books

Contributions to books Journal papers Working papers Reviews

Section 1 - Personal Details, Qualifications and Experience

1.1 Personal Details

Name: Moss Madden

Address (work) Department of Civic Design

University of Liverpool



Tel. +44 (0)151-794 3114

Fax. +44 (0)151-794 3125


Date of Birth 28 7 46

Married Six children, aged 21, 18, 11, 9, 6 and 1

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1.2 Education

Falmouth Grammar School 1957-1964

University of Liverpool

B Eng II.1 (Civil Engineering) July 1967

M Eng (Civil Engineering) Dec. 1969

M C D (Town and Regional Planning) July 1972

Ph D (Regional Science) July 1986

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1.3 Other Qualifications

M R T P I, Chartered Town Planner, Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute, 1979

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1.4 Employment Record

1) July 1993, Professor of Planning and Regional Science, University of Liverpool

2) August 1990 - January, 1994, Director, School of Combined Honours, University of Liverpool

3) October 1989 to July 1993, Reader, Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool, also Assistant Director, School of Combined Honours, Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies, University of Liverpool (Oct 1989 - Aug 1990)

4) October 1984 to October 1989, Senior Lecturer, Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool, also Assistant Director, School of Combined Honours, Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies, University of Liverpool

5) January 1975 to October 1984, Lecturer in the Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool (during February 1975 to April 1975 on secondment to Merseyside County Council, in October 1982 on an SSRC Exchange Scheme Award at the Institut fuer Raumplanung, University of Dortmund)

6) October 1972 to January 1975, University Senior Research Assistant, Department of Civic Design, University of Liverpool

310 7) June 1972 to September 1972, Research Assistant, Shelter Neighbourhood Action Project, Liverpool

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1.5 Teaching Experience

I have lectured at postgraduate and undergraduate level since 1973. My main current teaching includes aspects of introductory urban and regional planning to first-year postgraduate planning students (c. 20 hours, class size c. 40), a specialist course on urban policy research methods to second-year postgraduate planning students (c. 20 hours, class size c. 15) and planning theory (c. 20 hours, class size c. 20), again to second-year postgraduate planners. I also supervise students carrying out postgraduate research for higher degrees. I teach postgraduate demography and engineering students on socio-economic analysis and impact assessment (c. 24 hours, class size c. 20). I have until recently been Director of the School of Combined Honours in the Faculty of Social and Environmental Studies, and co-ordinate and teach upon a first-year undergraduate compulsory course on analytical methods in social science (c. 36 hours, class size c. 100) in the inter-disciplinary B A Combined Honours degree. I also co-ordinate the Urban Studies package within the Combined Honours degree. Other undergraduate teaching includes a third-year course on urban and regional analysis (c. 24 hours, class size c. 30).

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1.6 Administrative Experience

I) University duties and Committees

A) Departmental

a) Civic Design

Student admissions (postgraduate) (1976-1982)

Chairman of Post Experience Vocational Education group (1986)

Chairman of Board of Studies (1981-3, 1994-)

Building Superintendent (1987-)

Art Officer (1987-)

b) Combined Honours

Student Admissions (1987-1994)

General administration as Assistant Director (1984-90) and Director (1990-1994)

B) Faculty

a) Chairmanships

Faculty (1993-)

Admissions and General Purposes Committee (elected) (1992-1993)

Development Committee (elected) (1986-1988)

Planning Committee (elected) (1984-1986)

Policy Committee (1995-)

b) Memberships

Academic Committee (1977-1982, 1990-)

Development Committee (1986-1988, 1989-94)

Nominations Committee (elected) (1978-1980, 1981-1982)

Planning Committee (1982-1986)

Policy Committee (1984-1986, 1992-)

Research Committee (1984-1986)

Technical Sub-Committee (1975-1978)

C) University

a) Chairmanships

Computer Users' Committee (1981-1983)

b) Memberships

Senate (elected (1987-1993)), (1993-)

Academic Review Sub-Committee (1992-)

Academic Services Sub-Committee (elected) (1989-)

Committee for the Development of University Teaching (1975-1977)

Computer Committee (1977-1983)

Board of Discipline (1991-)

Resources Allocation Sub-Committee (1977-1983)

II) Other Committee and Council Membership

A) Royal Town Planning Institute

a) National

i) Chairmanships

Race Relations Panel (1986-1988)

This Panel was first set up to monitor implementation of the proposals in the RTPI's Race Relations Report. Under my chairmanship it set up a number of initiatives of its own now under way in the field of planning and race-relations.

Equal Opportunities Panel (Race Relations) (1993-)

Chairman of the Assessors, Alfred Potter Triennial Award, 1991

ii) Memberships

Royal Town Planning Institute Council (elected) (1984-8, 1990-1991, 1993-)

Equal Opportunities Panel (Race Relations) (Vice Chair) (1989)

Management Board (elected) (1991, 1996)

This Board is the highest executive body in the Royal Town Planning Institute

Membership Board (Vice Chair) (1984-1987)

Membership Panel (1990)

Priorities Working Group (1986-1987)

Professional Qualifications Committee (1990-), Vice Chair (1991)

Public Relations Board (1983)

Race Relations Panel (1984-1989)

Research Board (1988)

Accreditation Panel (c.1982-)

This Panel is responsible for deciding whether or not to accredit (or to continue to accredit) schools of planning within the UK, Ireland and Hong Kong. It assesses new courses and rigorously monitors existing recognised courses. I have been on assessment visits to twelve such courses in the British Isles.

Dialogue Member, University College Dublin

I have the duty of liaising between the Institute and the planning school at University College Dublin.

Dialogue Member, University of Cambridge

I have the duty of liaising between the Institute and the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge
b) Regional

i) Chairmanships

N W Branch Executive Committee (Junior Vice Chairman, elected) (1983)

N W Branch Education Sub-Committee (1980-1983)

N W Branch Working Party on Planning for a Multi-Racial Britain (Vice Chairman) (1980-1986)

N W Branch Editorial Advisory Group (1990-1996)

ii) Memberships

N W Branch Executive Committee (elected) (1975-1978, 1980-)

N W Branch Education Sub-Committee (1976-1987)

N W Branch Policy Review Group (1983-)

N W Branch Programme Sub-Committee (1983-)

N W Branch Promotion of Planning Group (1996-)

iii) Other

N W Branch Treasurer (elected) (1983-1993)

N W Branch Representative on Council (elected) (1986-1987, 1991-1992)

B) Other

a) CNAA - member of register of specialist advisors (1991-2)

b) Regional Science Association (British Section)

Committee (national, elected) member (1982-), Chair, elected (1993-)

c) ESRC Urban and Regional Economics Workshop Committee Member (1985-)

This workshop meets on a six-monthly basis, and brings together researchers from the UK and overseas

d) HEFCE Teaching Quality Assurance Specialist Subject Assessor (1996-)

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1.7 Research Interests

My research interests are broadly involved with application of techniques in analysis and planning, with simulation of urban and regional systems, with application of mathematical programming, with input-output analysis and with analysis of human migration. Specific research projects I am and have recently been engaged upon are listed beneath:

1) Population employment housing forecasting frameworks involved in the first instance setting up an integrated suite of models on the University of Liverpool computers. The models were designed to predict population, housing and employment levels, at two different levels of spatial aggregation, for three five-year forecasting periods. The system, originally designed for Merseyside County Council, was geared to be used by naive personnel, and could be used to provide alternative predictions, for scenario production, and to test hypotheses. The suite has most recently been used in project 3) described beneath.

2) Simulation modelling involving the computer simulation of regional systems development. Work focussed on a multi-regional national model of Great Britain, which could be used to simulate the effects of applying policies, such as assisted migration, or development area incentives. Joint work with the University of Stirling investigated age- and sex-disaggregated migration flows within this model.

3) Demographic-economic analysis and forecasting based on the consistent integration of demographic and economic models, and involving both theoretical development and empirical research. The work, involving collaboration between myself and other researchers, has led to the development of a number of new types of production, employment and income multipliers, and demonstrates the enhancement of the Leontief input-output model by detailed disaggregation of consumption and income by employment status and labour force characteristic. Models have been built for Merseyside, Strathclyde and North Rhine-Westphalia, in the latter two cases disaggregated by space also. Current and future work involves further spatial disaggregation, the inspection of errors in model specification and the introduction of non-linearities within a CGE framework. ESRC has funded some of this project.

4) Land purchase optimisation and demographic economic forecasting in conjunction with Professor P V D Correia of the University of Lisbon, involved the construction of a framework for rationalising land purchase by municipal authorities. An empirical study of the city of Coimbra in central Portugal was carried out as a pilot, using the technique of mixed-integer programming. A number of interesting results was achieved demonstrating the use of subsidies and penalties. The British Council funded a formal link between Liverpool and Lisbon to enable this research.

5) The Health of the Irish in Britain. This project, carried out jointly with the Department of General Practice in the University of Liverpool and associated with the Institute of Irish Studies, aims to investigate the psychological and physical health of first- and second-generation Irish migrants in Britain, in an attempt to explain the higher mortality rates displayed by first-generation migrants from both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Initial work has used the General Household Survey; this will be followed with in-depth case study research. The project has attracted grants from Declan Kelly plc and ESRC.

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1.8 Research Experience

A) Contracts, grants etc

£ú250, 1981, Regional Science Association, Workshop

£ú500, 1982, SSRC, as above

£ú1500, 1984, SSRC, International Workshop

£ú1400, 1984 - 1986, British Council, Land Purchase Optimisation (with P V D Correia, University of Lisbon)

£ú7000, 1985 - 1986, Liverpool Health Authority, Alternative Methods of Resource Allocation

£ú32500, June 1985 - March 1987, ESRC, The empirical testing of a series of demographic-economic models

£ú1520, 1989 - 1990, British Council, Population Studies, link with UniversitÇ Catholique de Louvain

£ú15000, 1990 - 1991, Declan Kelly plc, The Health of the Irish in Britain

£ú67620, 1990 - 1991, British Aerospace, Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of Liverpool Airport

£ú77960, 1992 - 1995, ESRC, The Health of the Irish in Britain

£ú4000, 1992, University of Liverpool, Research Development Fund, The Use of Input-Output Methods for Transport Assessment

£ú53695, 1993 - 1995, MANWEB, A Local Area Forecasting System

£ú14375, 1994, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Economic Impact of Heathrow Airport

£ú43098, 1994 - 1996, ESRC, The Regional Economic Consequences of Demographic Change 1971-1981-1991

B) Other monies

ecu 810, 1986, EEC, Joint preparatory visit grant

ecu 9400, 1987, EEC, ERASMUS scheme jointly with University College Dublin and University of Lisbon

£ú9900, 1988, EEC, ERASMUS as above

£ú6815, 1988, EEC, European Social Fund training scheme in town and regional planning jointly with University College Dublin

c.£ú10000, 1989, EEC, ERASMUS as above

£ú12585, 1989, EEC, European Social Fund training scheme as above

ecu 12000, 1990, EC, ERASMUS as above

ecu 960, 1991, EC, TEMPUS Programme, to prepare a JEP jointly with the Technical University of Budapest and Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa

ecu 12000, 1991, EC, ERASMUS as above

£ú1000, 1991, Anglo-Israel Association; £ú600, 1991, Study Group Israel and the Middle East and £ú900, 1991, British Council to fund a workshop in Tel-Aviv, Israel

ecu 4900, 1992, EC,ERASMUS as above

c.£ú3000, 1994, Brazilian Department of Education, funded visit to Brazil

£ú1000, 1995, Anglo-Israel Association

ecu 42000, 1995, EC ALFA Programme, to develop a Network with the University of Grenoble, the Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa, the Polytechnic of Madrid, PUC Campinas, Brazil, the University of Pernambuco, Brazil and the University of Corrientes, Argentina, under the title Sustainable Development in an Urbanising World. Liverpool is the co-ordinating institution of this Network

£ú2000, 1995, British Council, to visit Shanghai and Beijing to advise the Ministry of Construction and the Chinese Association of Urban Planners on the accreditation of planning education

£ú7280, 1996, Ministry of Construction, Beijing, training fees for visiting delegation of Chinese planners.

£úxxxx, 1996, British Council, Beijing, to fund an exchange programme between the Royal Town Planning Institute and the Chinese Association of City Planning to address the setting up of a planning education accreditation system in China.

C) Research students supervised

N McDougall PhD

H Jones PhD

T Shakur PhD 1987

A Trigg PhD 1988

L Bin current

P Marne current

N Sharify currrent

plus many dissertation students at Master's level plus acting as internal examiner at doctoral level.

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1.9 Invitations to speak and papers presented at conferences etc

A) International

B) National

C) Other Invited Seminars, Guest Lectures and Short Courses:

University of Glasgow; University of Keele; University of Leeds; University of Oxford; University of Reading; University of Strathclyde; University of Wales Institute of Science and Technology; Technical University of Budapest, Hungary; University of Colorado at Boulder, USA; University of Dortmund, Germany; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA; University of Indiana at Bloomington, USA; University of Iowa, USA; Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil; Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal; University of Mœnster, Germany; University of New Orleans, USA; University of Queensland, Australia; Tongji University, Shanghai, China.

I have acted as discussant and chairman at many conferences, seminars and workshops, academic and professional, both at home and abroad. back to start

1.10 Industrial collaboration

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1.11 Other relevant activities

A) External Examining

University of Strathclyde, Department of Economics, at doctoral level 1994 (1 candidate)

University of Queensland, Department of Economics, at doctoral level 1992 (1 candidate)

University of Leeds, Department of Geography, at doctoral level 1992 (1 candidate)

UniversitÇ Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, Institut de Demographie, at doctoral level 1992 (1 candidate)

University of Ulster, Department of Geography, at doctoral level 1990 (1 candidate)

University of California, Santa Barbara, Department of Geography, at doctoral level 1989-1994 (1 candidate)

University of Glasgow, Centre for Housing Research, Diploma for Housing Studies 1987-1991 (c 60 candidates per annum)

University of Reading, Department of Geography, at doctoral level 1982 (1 candidate)

B) Editorial, Publishing and Refereeing Responsibilities

  • i) Book Reviews Editor, Town Planning Review,1976-1980; Co-Editor, Town Planning Review, 1992-
  • ii) Member , Editorial Advisory Group, Town Planning Review, 1976-
  • iii) Member, Editorial Board, Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 1995-
  • iii) Series Editor, Departmental Working Papers, 1976-1988
  • iv) Part Editor, London Papers in Regional Science, 1985
  • v) Refereeing of papers for Australian Journal of Regional Studies, Economic Geography, Economic Systems Research, Environment and Planning A, Environment and Planning B, European Planning Studies, Geographical Analysis, International Regional Science Review, International Review of Applied Economics, Journal of Regional Science, Papers of the Regional Science Association International, Planning Perspectives, Regional Studies, Third World Planning Review, Town Planning Review, and Urban Studies.
  • viii) Refereeing of book manuscripts, Croom Helm Ltd, Belhaven Press.
  • ix) Refereeing of research proposals for SSRC, SERC and ESRC (UK) and National Science Foundation (USA)

C) Conference and Workshop Organisation

  • i) I was specifically involved in organising the 16th Conference of the British Section of the Regional Science Association, and am joint editor of the book arising from that conference.

  • ii) I was specifically responsible for organising the 1984, 1988 and 1993 meetings of the ESRC-sponsored Urban and Regional Economics Workshop in Liverpool, and partly responsible for the 1985 meeting in Glasgow.

  • iii) I am involved in general in organising the Conferences of the British Section of the Regional Science Association, as a Committee member and Chairman, and in particular have organised sessions on multi-regional modelling and regional input-output at the two most recent RSA conferences.

  • iv) I was involved in organising the 29th European Congress of the Regional Science Association, 1989, and was a special session organiser with a colleague from Santa Barbara.

  • v) I am involved with a colleague from the University of Dundee in organising a workshop to generate a multi-regional input-output model for the UK for 1990.

D) International Co-operation

E) Other

  • i) I was an item writer and assessor for the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate Law Schools Admissions Test (1987-1989).

  • ii) I am a governor of The Mosslands School, Wallasey, Merseyside.
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Section 2 - Publications and Submitted Papers

Refereed Publications *

Invited Publications #


Books under Preparation

None at present

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Contributions to Books

Contributions to Books under Preparation

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Journal papers published

Journal papers forthcoming

Journal papers under consideration

None at present

Papers under preparation

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Working Papers published

Working Papers under consideration

None at present

Working Papers under preparation

None at present

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Other reviews currently under way for Town Planning Review, Urban Studies and Regional Studies

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